Kota Agung Port

Kota Agung is the capital of the Tanggamus Regency; one of 'old city' in Lampung province had the local port. Besides as the place of the fish landing, mode the transport of anchored sea and departed of connected territories in part: Tampang, Pemantang Sawah district, Tabuhan Island, etc. Sea with low pollution level in this gulf was rich in various kinds of the sea biota. The fish kind in part: tongkol-striped cloth, satay inflated, selar as well as cattle and lobster prawns lived in these waters. The Blue marlin presence in the certain season was attraction that rarely passed by the lover of sport fished. In the city that famous of the Watermelon Gulf often took place of the marriage ceremony activity or the tradition various ethnic. The implementation Mayor event, the Tanggamus Festival is become as incident-tourism that each year was displayed around March; this activity was centered on here.

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