Way Gelang Beach

The shoreline span that buckled joined with foot the Tanggamus Mountain in this territory of regency waters, has many potential as the object tour-maritime. Although was not managed-optimal yet, several coasts became the place that often visited by local and foreign tourists. Way Gelang was some among them; this brownish sandy coastal had about 5 km length.

Terbaya Beach

Terbaya beach that was located on the left of the road 3 km gazed at the centre of Kota Agung city from the side of Bandar Lampung was the maritime tourism object that was busy visited by tourists during holiday and week final. The position of the highway and the entrance the location was in ± 25 m dpl height (above sea level). This situation enabled the visitor to enjoy wide scenery to the side of Semangka bay and the sand beach that this extension seems like not stepping aside in these two tips. In the road to descend towards the beach, was gotten by the source of the clear spring that could used to rinse. The coastal management still was not touched modern equipment as well as the community's tradition that still was awakened good, made this place apparently original-natural.

Sawmil Beach

Sawmil beach is located about 20 km from the centre of the Tanggamus regency government widely the location that could be developed about 300 hectares. This location is very appropriate for the development of the object and tourism means like the maritime tour, Sky water, place of coastal recreation, hotel business, golf-course, football, coastal volleyball, etc. Apart from could be covered with the land transport, this location could be also covered with the transport of sea through Kota Agung seaport by motorboat that took up during 40 trip minutes.

Batu Balai Beach

Coast which still natural with clean sea and located in roadside that connect west route with West Lampung regency. Located in Suka Banjar village, Kota Agung District and can be reached with vehicle for about 7 Km of Center Governance of Tanggamus regency.

Badak / Muli Indah Beach

This Recreation place is located in Badak Village, Cukuh Balak District, Tanggamus regency, at Bandar Lampung - Kedondong - Pardasuka - Puith Doh route; it's about 87 Km from Bandar Lampung. Muli Beach represent beautiful natural coast which is just opened and simple still existing facility in the form of a food kiosk / suggestion and facilities of MCK.

Harapan Beach

Harapan Beach is located about 10 km from the Tanggamus Regency Government Office. At the moment is gotten the crossing seaport that served the Kota Agung - Tabuan Island - Tirom - Tampang - Belimbing route. At this time around the location developed several supporting facilities, like trade facilities took the form of the market and shops, accommodation means took the form of 2 jasmine hotels and three restaurants.

Wonotirto Fishery

This location is located in the of Talang Padang district, Wonoharjo village that be at a distance around 10 km from Kota Agung - Bandar Lampung highway. This tourist attraction is supplemented with swimming pool facilities, the bathing place, the rowing boat, the hut to spend the night and huts to take shelter, relaxed.

Ancient Grave of Prince Jiwa Kesuma

Located at Wonosobo disrict about 7 km from Kota Agung. This grave was graves of Prince Jiwa Kesuma's family who live at transition Hindu-Islam period. This grave marked by primary ornaments or texture of Hindu. Also found Ikhawan grave (single boys and girl) grave as sacrificed for worship in belief Hindu in the past.

Tabuan Island

Tabuan island is to be a territorial of Tanggamus Regency that located in Teluk Semaka and the wide of the territory is about 600 hectares. In the future is planned by the government of the regency, will be built and functioned quay as the crossing quay of sea transportation and the fisherman location is widely about 2500 m. This location could be covered with the sea transportation, which took the motorboat or speedboat that took up about 1 trip hour from the seaport.


Arrive in Pagelaran district, apart from paddy-field scenery and pekon-pekon in turns apparently also a row was produced by rattan diligence peddled by the side of road. Gotten maintenance ponds of the fish in this territory that was one of the centers of the producer fisheries-land from 17 districts that were gotten in Tanggamus Regency. Since entering this territory, tourists could witness scenery pekon-pekon; the Lampung ethnic group. Lamban/Mahhan; the inhabitant's original Lampung house - Pepadun sub ethnic that dominant in the countryside territory, and Saibatin sub ethnic from the coastal territory still often was seen, in fact was that was the 100 's old the year, some among them in Pekon Tanjung Heran - Pugung district.

Megalithic Area & Batu Bedil Inscription

For the site-interested person of archeology (tour-history & the culture), in Pulau Panggung district, tourists could visit to the complex megalithic and Bedil Stone inscription. The inscription that was made in Sriwijaya royal era proofs the inhabitants' existence in this territory in the past that was connected with this kingdom. Gotten by 3 complexes was separated that was adjacent in Pekon Bedil Stone of the Upstream and Lower; 10 minutes by vehicle to the north from the Tegi gate of the Stone Dam complex. Back to Talang Padang district territory. The producer area of the quality rice superior, namely Talang-Padang rice was the last district from Bandar Lampung side before entered to Kota Agung district territory. Apart from ethnic Lampung the A dialect and O dialect, the community in this dynamic territory was Semendo, Java, Sunda-Banten and Jaseng (the acronym Java-Serang) ethnic -the term in Lampung for the Banten ethnic group had spoke Java. Since several of their generations have assimilation interacting so as many that could hold a dialogue in five languages at the same time.

Gisting & Batu Keramat Region

Plateau area of Gisting and Batu Keramat contain a beautiful potency where from height of this area place we can enjoy cold air of mountain with view of workload of Semangka Bay decorated with giant oil tankers and fishing boat and also Kota Agung seaport. Located only 4 Km of Center Governance of Tanggamus Regency.
Enter the territory of Kota Agung district, in the territory of the plateau of the Shrine Stone (± 300 m. dpl.), a gateway welcomed tourists that arrived in the capital of the regency. Its nature situation reminded tourists of regional scenery of mountains in the Pas Peak of the West Javanese with the honest paved road that descended winding. The tourism is offered in addition of beautiful scenery the carpet of the Semaka Gulf that was unrolled area.

Jeram Semaka Waterfall

Jeram Semaka waterfall is located in Pekon Way Kerap Semaka district that be at a distance around 25 km from the centre of the government of the Tanggamus Regency. Physically, this waterfall consisted of 3 levels where the source of his spring came from TNBBS II, where at the moment the location is still being very natural. This tourist attraction is potential enough to be developed because apart from having the special attraction like his nature situation that beautiful, and luxuriant forest with the temperature of revolving air of 20°-30°C, also had the location of the development reached ± 5 hectares with the potential for the inhabitants of this area as the producer of pepper and biggest coffee in the Lampung province moreover is one of the areas of the rice barn.

Way Lalaan Waterfall

Way Lalaan is a constitution gradually waterfall that have 200 m distance of one to others, from the flow of Way Lalaan river which mouth of a river to Semangka Bay. This location is in foot Valley of Tanggamus Mountain which just 2 Km from the Central Government of Tanggamus region or 80 Km from Bandar Lampung. This waterfall was unknowable since 1937 in Dutch Colonial Government, which make the cement ladder to waterfall valley. The facilities available are shelter, fitting room and park area.
Using vehicle with the low speed, 15 minutes from the Shrine Stone arrived in Pekon Way Lalaan. Enter ± 100 m from the left of the object road tour-water the Way Lalaan Waterfall suitable was visited. The waterfall from the height ± 11 m created the very faint thunderous sound began to be able to be heard since the highest step of the road entered descended along 75 m. The car park that enough areas, Shelter and mushola was facilities that were available apart from the room rinsed. In side of the pond that was formed from this water was safe to bathe and be submerged. The location of this objects only some hundred meters from the Government complex of Tanggamus Regency.

Bukit Barisan National Park II

Bukit Barisan National Park II (TNBBS-II) is the protected forest region that is occupied by the endangered species. The government protects those animals, such as: the elephant, the tiger, the rhinoceros, the forest water buffalo, birds, etc. Despite that this region also be overgrown by the flora that very rare for example the snake plant and various orchid sorts. TNBBS-II on the end south of the Sumatra Island that some of these territories were the Tanggamus Regency territories. The TNBBS-II location is very exact for the development of the tour activity hunted, which the echo of the tour and the activity of the habitat research and the available fauna. The location of the snake plant is located in the edge of Tanggamus Regency Territory with the West Lampung Regency Territory. To reach the location of snake plant crop habitat, we could use public or personal transportation from Kota Agung during 50 trip minutes and about 40 km.

The fauna that can be found are elephants, Sumateran Rhinos, tigers, honey bears, wild buffaloes, tapirs, deer, wild dogs, and tortoises. The floras that can be found in the area are tropical forest vegetation, rare orchid species, arnorphallus and rafflesia, the biggest flower in the world. There is a historical monument that is alight house with the height of 57 metres in Belimbing Bay. It was built in 1879 in the Dutch King Willem III era. From the lighthouse we can watch the beach, the tropical forest and the Japanese remain, an airstrip in the Second World War.

Kota Agung Port

Kota Agung is the capital of the Tanggamus Regency; one of 'old city' in Lampung province had the local port. Besides as the place of the fish landing, mode the transport of anchored sea and departed of connected territories in part: Tampang, Pemantang Sawah district, Tabuhan Island, etc. Sea with low pollution level in this gulf was rich in various kinds of the sea biota. The fish kind in part: tongkol-striped cloth, satay inflated, selar as well as cattle and lobster prawns lived in these waters. The Blue marlin presence in the certain season was attraction that rarely passed by the lover of sport fished. In the city that famous of the Watermelon Gulf often took place of the marriage ceremony activity or the tradition various ethnic. The implementation Mayor event, the Tanggamus Festival is become as incident-tourism that each year was displayed around March; this activity was centered on here.

Ranau Lake

Ranau Lake is surrounded by mountainuous highland and natural view. It is located in the West Lampung sharing border with South Sumatera Province. Cottages and boat are available. Liwa is the nearest town from Lampung (capital of West Lampung). Beauty of Chilli of nature that still natural made this area an area of the tour visit in Lampung West. In this area tourists could enjoy the beauty of the Ranau Lake that was surrounded by green hills as well as the Seminung Mountain that erect soared._Fresh and clear him Ranau Lake water very supportive for the swimming activity. Tourists could also enjoy the beauty of nature scenery ranau with boating the motor. Moreover for that wanted to be submerged in hot water, in this area also was gotten by the source of hot water.

Tour Garden Bumi Kedaton - Batu Putuk

Lampung has long been as the Land of Elephants and Way Kambas as the best known as elephant training center. But don't imagine that getting there is easy these days. Getting to the National Park takes at least two hours from the center of town, on a road in terrible condition. This trip is only for the truly adventurous, or tourists with a lot of time on theirs hands. But don't worry - now there's Taman Wisata Bumi Kedaton (Bumi Kedaton Tourism Park), located in Batu Putuk area, only 20 minutes from the center of Bandar Lampung. This park had created especially to make it easy for tourists, and the local people of Lampung, to enjoy a family holiday with Sumatra's favorite beasts.

This tourism object has built on 9 hectares area, Bumi Kedaton is like a miniature zoo, with various animal attraction: bears, porcupines, many types of bird, and monkeys. The park is only 75% complete at the moment, but soon it will also feature a crocodile park. Visitors can also see pythons and king cobras, horses performing material arts, and of course the perennial favorite, the elephants.
We can also ride an elephant while trekking up the river. So next time if visit Lampung, take the time to have an adventure with the elephants. The park also offers accommodation in 3-bedroom bungalow in traditional Lampung style.

Way Kambas

In the east part of Central Lampung there is a nature reserve named “Way Kambas“ which covers 130.000 hectares areas. To achieve Way Kambas, an asphalted road is built. It takes 2 hours drive from Bandar Lampung. In nature reserve, there is the first elephant-training centre in Indonesia to train wild elephants which are capture from outside the area because they have disturbed the people's fields. It is estimated there are about 500 elephants in Lampung, 250 of them are in Way Kambas. In this nature reserve, we can also find other wild animal such as Sumateran tigers, bears, tapirs and other animals such as deer, wild pigs and 286 bird species. If we visit Way kambas, we can see the process of training wild elephants in the elephants training centre, an attraction of elephants are playing football, elephant safari, elephants are swimming and on certain occasions, we can also join catching the wild elephants and watch the elephants which are in the sexual mood which is very rarely found in the world.

According to Zoography, Way Kambas area included in oriental region. It is different than islands eastside of the Wallace line, either Sumatra or Way Kambas does not have endemic species treasures. There is just 15 species of endemic mammals and 20 species of bird. The existing animals in Way Kambas such as Sumateran Elephant, Sumateran rhino, Sumateran tiger, tapir, chevrotain, long tail apes, monkeys and several kind of bird like heron, parrot, and some else.
Way Kambas National Park is the area of raining forest that has 126.000 ha areas. And geographically is located between 4° 37 LS - 5° 16 LU and 105°54 BT, and the highest by 0 - 60 m dpl and the average of raindrops is about 2000 mm/year.
It is about 35 km from Sukadana city. It is easily accessible from Bandar Lampung or Sukadana.
It is well known throughout the countries, and it has some interested tourism object too, tourism such as: Elephant training centre, Way Kanan Resort, and Suaka Rhino Sumatera.

Mount Krakatau

Indonesia belongs to one of the most volcanic and seismically active region in the world. There are 128 active volcanoes of which 76 had eruption in historic time. These were occurred in 3 belts which one of is Lesser Sunda Islands where Krakatau is located. The Indonesian Volcano logical Service classified those volcanoes as "class A" volcanoes, of which there 12 in Sumatra Island. One of those is Krakatau. Krakatau is located in South Lampung region in Sunda strait, between Java and Sumatera. In the early time Krakatau estimated was a volcano with 2000 M in height. The catastrophic eruption destroyed the volcano and remained 3 islands i.e. Rakata, sertung and Panjang. The renewed activity was started at Rakata, and an island of strato volcano was built up with diameter of approximately 5 Km and 800 M high. After its dormancy, next activity was shifted come into existence with the height approximately 456 and 120 M above sea level. In 1883, the 3 summits (Rakata, Danan & Perbuatan) was erupted and leaving a piece of small part of Rakata. The boom of explosion causing tremors and was heard as far as Singapore and Australia. The wave washed everything away around volcano. The volcanic ash was blown in to the atmosphere, as much as 4 cubic miles. In 1927 the new activity was occurred and then Anak Krakatau existed in to being. Now Anak Krakatau has reached 250 M above sea level. Anak Krakatau still active with its gush of steam and smoke, make it spectacular view.

Lampung Museum

Lampung Museum is located in Z.A. Pagar Alam Street or just 5 km from the heart city of Tanjungkarang. It has 3.233 collections compiled from prehistory, Hindu, Buddha and Islamic Age. The Museum also collects local and foreign ceramic from China. We can also find the statue from Hindu-Buddhist period, household utensils from ancient time, old tapirs clothes, ancient traditional boat, war outfits etc.
There we can see the ancient objects, remain of ceramic from China and Siam, or household utensils, which is from centuries ago. The museum is opened on Monday until Saturday. Taman budaya or art center is place for presenting the classical music and traditional dances of Lampung. It takes fifteen minutes to get there from center of town. Not far from here, onl

Batu Tegi Dam

Approaching the centre city Talang Padang district, in the right corner of the intersection, see to strike the plank of the indicator towards Tegi Stone Dam (Tegi = erect / stood - Lampung language). The location that about 20 km from this intersection is had the very wide area. When not making use of the person's vehicle, the visitor could use the taxi bike service from available bases to arrive at the location. The friendly inhabitants in pekon-pekon Pulau Panggung district around the location of the dam will enthusiastically answer the visitor's question of various matters about this area.
Most inhabitants were Semendo ethnic group (South Sumatra) that resided in this territory since beforehand. Beside the main function as PLTA and the irrigation, as the tourist attraction, the dam / this reservoir had the attraction of amazing scenery. The lake that was formed by the pool of this dam water was very wide. Surrounded hills, this object was depicted in canvas that like the magnet sucked attention of the visitor until keep for a prolonged period to gaze for a long time. If being lucky, various tasteless fish kinds could be bought in: baung, cork, patin, etc; that was the arrest of the inhabitants around by the motorboat that often leant to jeti -the quay apung- two to four times a day. The interested person could lease their boat to just go round the lake or fished. Although this object did not yet have adequate facilities for tourists, but since last 2002 was visited by the Tanggamus community and outside the area especially during the holiday and the weekend.

Bakau Hueni Harbor

Bakauheni a district in South Lampung regency, Lampung, Indonesia.

Bakauheni is a port city in the province of Lampung, precisely at the southern tip of Sumatra Island. Located at the southern end of the Trans Sumatra Highway, linking the port Bakauheni Sumatra with Java via sea transportation.

Hundreds of ferry trip with 24 boats crossing the ferry from several operators sail Sunda Strait that connects Bakauheni to Merak in Banten Province, Java Island every day. The ferries crossing this ferry service primarily serves land transportation such as buses, intercity passenger bus between provinces, goods lorries and private cars.

The average duration of travel required between Bakauheni - Peacock or otherwise with this ferry is about 2 hours.

Regency Bandar Lampung

Bandar Lampung is the capital of Lampung province, Indonesia. This city has an area of 207.50 km ² with a population of 812,087 inhabitants (2008); 4597 population density / km ² and the population growth rate 3.79% per year.

Geographically, the capital of Lampung province is located at the main gate of Sumatra island, more or less exactly 165 km northwest of Jakarta.

Supported by its strategic position, causing the mobility of population and traffic in any protocol roads in Bandar Lampung tend solid, so that as one of the busiest cities in the western part of Indonesia, Bandar Lampung has an important contribution in land transportation and distribution logistics activities from Java to Sumatra and vice versa.

Bandar Lampung is the capital of Lampung Province. Therefore Bandar Lampung is a center of government, political science, education and culture, and is central to economic activity from the province of Lampung.

Regency Pringsewu

Pringsewu District is one district in the province of Lampung, Indonesia. District was established by the Minister of Home Affairs of Indonesia, Mardiyanto, on October 29, 2008.

Forming the legal basis of this district is the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2008 Number 48.

Pringsewu is a new district in the province of Lampung, a district passed in the Parliament Plenary Meeting on October 29, 2008. Located 37 kilometers west of Bandar Lampung, the provincial capital.

Pringsewu Tanggamus separated from the district after going through a long process.

Pringsewu since formerly known as the "education city" in southern Lampung, because long ago in this city there has been a complete education, from kindergarten through college.

Currently Pringsewu approved as a separate district for a good development, both in terms of revenue, economic and educational level of the population. The main livelihood is farming in Pringsewu and trade. Its location is very strategic, very dear, if not utilized by the local government.

Regency Tanggamus

Tanggamus District is one of the Level II Regions in the province of Lampung, Indonesia. The district capital is located in the City Court. Tanggamus District was established based on Law No. 2 of 1997 dated March 21, 1997. District has an area of 3356.61 km ² and a population of 800,080 inhabitants (2000) with a density of 243 inhabitants / km ².

District Name Tanggamus taken from Mount Tanggamus name that stands right in the heart of Tanggamus district. District borders the West Lampung district, South Lampung Regency in the east and the Indonesian Ocean waters. At first the administration Tanggamus District consists of 11 (eleven) districts and 6 (six) representative districts. In 2000 to representatives of the six districts into subdistricts definitive, making the number of districts into 12 districts, namely:

1. Cukuh Balak
2. Kelumbayan
3. City Court
4. Causeway Sawa
5. Pugung
6. Island Stage
7. Semaka
8. Sumberejo
9. Talang Padang
10. Ulubelu
11. Wonosobo
12. Gisting

Lampung Geografis

Lampung (commonly known as Southeast Sumatra) is a province of Indonesia, located on the southern tip of the island of Sumatra. It borders the provinces of Bengkulu and South Sumatra. Lampung is the original home of the "Lampung" tribe, who speak a distinct language from other people in Sumatra and have their own alphabet.
The province has a population of 6,731,000 (As of 2000[update] census). A large portion of the current population of Lampung is descended from migrants from Java, Madura, and Bali. These migrants came both spontaneously, in search of more land than was available on the more densely populated islands, as well as part of the government's transmigration program, for which Lampung was one of the earliest and most important transmigration destinations.
Lampung is commonly known for its geographical instability in terms of earthquakes and volcanoes. On May 10 2005, a strong earthquake measuring 6.4 on the richter scale struck the province. The historical volcano blast of Krakatau occurred in 1883, which resulted in disastrous consequences.