Way Gelang Beach

The shoreline span that buckled joined with foot the Tanggamus Mountain in this territory of regency waters, has many potential as the object tour-maritime. Although was not managed-optimal yet, several coasts became the place that often visited by local and foreign tourists. Way Gelang was some among them; this brownish sandy coastal had about 5 km length.

Terbaya Beach

Terbaya beach that was located on the left of the road 3 km gazed at the centre of Kota Agung city from the side of Bandar Lampung was the maritime tourism object that was busy visited by tourists during holiday and week final. The position of the highway and the entrance the location was in ± 25 m dpl height (above sea level). This situation enabled the visitor to enjoy wide scenery to the side of Semangka bay and the sand beach that this extension seems like not stepping aside in these two tips. In the road to descend towards the beach, was gotten by the source of the clear spring that could used to rinse. The coastal management still was not touched modern equipment as well as the community's tradition that still was awakened good, made this place apparently original-natural.

Sawmil Beach

Sawmil beach is located about 20 km from the centre of the Tanggamus regency government widely the location that could be developed about 300 hectares. This location is very appropriate for the development of the object and tourism means like the maritime tour, Sky water, place of coastal recreation, hotel business, golf-course, football, coastal volleyball, etc. Apart from could be covered with the land transport, this location could be also covered with the transport of sea through Kota Agung seaport by motorboat that took up during 40 trip minutes.

Batu Balai Beach

Coast which still natural with clean sea and located in roadside that connect west route with West Lampung regency. Located in Suka Banjar village, Kota Agung District and can be reached with vehicle for about 7 Km of Center Governance of Tanggamus regency.

Badak / Muli Indah Beach

This Recreation place is located in Badak Village, Cukuh Balak District, Tanggamus regency, at Bandar Lampung - Kedondong - Pardasuka - Puith Doh route; it's about 87 Km from Bandar Lampung. Muli Beach represent beautiful natural coast which is just opened and simple still existing facility in the form of a food kiosk / suggestion and facilities of MCK.